日本の文様(和柄):Japanese Traditional Patterns

[Learning Japanese and English through Essay]















亀の甲羅の形を正六角形にデザイン化した柄です。亀は寿命が長いことから、縁起の良い柄とされています。ちなみに、「鬼滅の刃」の冨岡 義勇(とみおか ぎゆう)の衣装は、「毘沙門亀甲」をアレンジした柄と赤錆色の無地で仕立てた片身替わりです。片身替わりとは右半分と左半分の着物が違う柄になっている着物です。






Kimono is well known in Japanese culture. Surprisingly, there are more than 300 types of patterns in the book "Kimono Patterns".

Recently, the anime "Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer)" has become very popular, and some traditional kimono patterns are used for the haori (the jackets) and kimono worn by the characters. 

Here, I would like to talk about the meaning of patterns that have been used for a long time.

First, hemp leaf (Asanoha).

It is a kind of allocation pattern based on a regular hexagon.

An allocation pattern is a pattern in which the same pattern is connected vertically and horizontally.

It is made by combining six triangles and connecting them in all directions, and it seems that this name was given because it resembles a hemp leaf.

The pattern itself has been around for a long time and can be seen in Buddhist statues during the Heian period.

Since hemp leaves grow fast and grow straight, they were often used for children's birth clothes in the past to pray for healthy growth. Girls wore red 

kimonos and boys wore yellow or asagi-iro (pale blue-green) kimonos.

Also, it seems that hemp leaves were supposed to be a talisman.

Next, Ichimatsu Koshi 

[checkerboard, Ishidatami (stone pavement)].

It is a pattern in which the grid-shaped square or rectangular lattices are arranged in different colors, and has existed since ancient times as seen in the haniwa of ancient burial mounds.

Originally named "Ishidatami (stone pavement)" and "Arare (hail)", Kabuki actor SANOGAWA Ichimatsu wore a white and navy blue checkerboard-pattern hakama on the stage in the middle of the Edo period. For this reason, it has come to be called "Ichimatsu" or "Ichimatsu Koshi".

Since the pattern continues uninterrupted, it has the meaning of eternity and prosperity.It is also used in the emblem of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Next is the scale (Uroko).

It is a pattern in which equilateral triangles or isosceles triangles are arranged in succession.

The name was given to the triangle as if it were a snake scale.

Scales are associated with snakes and butterflies rather than fish, and represent molting. It is a pattern of warding off evil, regenerating, and a talisman.

Next, the wave (Nami).

A wave pattern is a pattern in which semi-circular layers are arranged to represent waves.

There are many variations of wave patterns. The wave pattern has the meaning of future eternity and eternal peace in the infinite waves. It has been used for 

good luck since ancient times.

Next is the cloud (Kumo).

Clouds make it rain and snow, and their movements have a great influence on the weather of the day. People in the old days thought that gods and spirits dwell in these mysterious clouds.

In ancient China, it is said that all things were formed from clouds, and the clouds floating in the sky were named "Unki" and "Zuiun" and regarded as auspicious.

Finally, the hexagonal shell (Kikko).

It is a pattern that designed the shape of the turtle shell into a regular hexagon. 

Turtles have a long lifespan and are considered to be auspicious.

By the way, the costume of Tomioka Giyu of "Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer)" 

is Katami-gawari with a pattern arranged from "Bishamon Tortoise Shell" and a plain red rust colour.

“Katami-gawari” is a kimono with a different pattern on the right and left halves.

Bishamon Kikko is a pattern in which two regular hexagonal turtle shells are connected at the bottom and one at the top, and the "Mitsumori Kikko (three turtle shells)" is connected as one unit. This pattern is used for the very strong chain armor of Bishamonten, one of the four heavenly kings, so it is named "Bishamon Tortoise Shell".

The Bishamon Tortoise Shell pattern is an auspicious pattern with the power of Bishamonten and a turtle as well.  The benefits are victory, protection from plague, disease-free, and economic fortune treasure, together with the turtle's longevity.

 Which pattern do you like?

I love all of them, but the best is the hemp leaf pattern, I guess. When I looked around, I found a hemp leaf pattern on the back of the ironing board that I have been using for many years. People often know little of what is happening in their own backyards.

You can also check this content on YouTube.

Japanese words: 

(1)袴(はかま, hakama)---Hakama is a divided or pleated skirt worn over a Kimono. It is worn mostly by men.

(2)埴輪(はにわ, haniwa)---a clay image (placed in ancient burial mounds)


・「きものの文様 ―格と季節がひと目でわかる」(特選実用ブックスきもの) 2009年、(社)全日本きもの振興会 推薦、 監修=藤井 健三 (Kimono Patterns)

・「着合わせから手入れまで 着物イロハ事典」 単行本(ソフトカバー) 2012年着物屋くるり (著)、(PP.124-125)(Patterns)


https://kimono.cc/mkimono_mkimonoblog/%E5%92%8C%E6%A8%A1%E6%A7%98.html#i-9  (Patterns)


https://www.kateigaho.com/kimono/diary/79377/ (Asanoha)


https://allabout.co.jp/gm/gc/486132/ (Demon Slayer’s Patterns)


https://www.kateigaho.com/kimono/diary/79386/ (Patterns)


https://www.kateigaho.com/kimono/diary/79027/ (Kumo, Patterns)


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Demon Slayer Official Twitter


[Further reading:(おまけコーナーです)]



butterfly (Cho).

The life of a butterfly is from an egg to a caterpillar (larva), to a pupa (which doesn’t move), and finally to a butterfly with beautiful wings (adult), which flaps its wings. Due to its dramatic changes, it has become a symbol of reincarnation, death and rebirth, resurrection, and change.
