Manuscript paper rules for beginners: Book report in Japanese 基本! 読書感想文の書き方
How to write Japanese vertically on manuscript paper(for beginners)
《This content is written in Japanese and English.》
文章全体を通して、人称代名詞も統一します。参考までに、小学校低学年なら「ぼくor わたし、おじいちゃん、おばあちゃん、お父さん、お母さん、おにいちゃん、おねえちゃん、おとうと、いもうと」と書いても構わないと思います。中学年くらいからは「ぼく(僕)or わたし(私)、祖父(そ父)、祖母(そ母)、父、母、兄、姉、弟、妹」とします。
- 誤字脱字がないか、
- 接続詞が多すぎないか、
- 「・・・だと思いました。」の連続になっていないか、
- 矛盾した主張になっていないか、
- 読み手に分かりやすい展開になっているか、
- 一番伝えたい部分が強調されているか、
- 内容が大きく変わるところで段落を分けているか、
- 題名は内容にあっているか
使う用紙によってはページ番号の書き方や、ホッチキスの止め方も変わります。よろしければ、このチャンネルの動画、「FAQ on manuscript paper: What you need to know before writing Japanese」でより詳しく説明していますので、見てくださいね。
「 」かぎ、かぎかっこ:会話や強調したい言葉、書名などを囲う。
『 』二重かぎかっこ:会話文の中で、さらにかぎを使うときや、書名などに使う。
( )かっこ、丸かっこ:何かに説明を付け加えるときに、その文を囲う。
かっこ( 「」『』())
会話の終わりのかぎと句点は一 マスに入れます。
Manuscript paper rules for beginners
Book report in Japanese
Speaking of summer vacation homework from school, a book report is one of them. Every year, children choose a book from the assigned books, and read the book, then write a book report on the manuscript papers, and submit them to school. I remember I struggled with this kind of homework year after year. It was just a “rush job” at that time.
To avoid such a problem, I've summarized the tips for book reports. After watching this video, I hope you feel much confidence in writing. Then you can write the sentences more smoothly. Here are some tips for writing.
(1) Write your thoughts instead of writing a synopsis.
(2) Do not start writing offhand on the Manuscript paper for submission.
(3) Write in "Polite style".
(4) Always write the kanji you have learned so far instead of hiragana.
(5) When quoting, write the original text as it is.
(6) Understand the paragraphs and structure of the text.
(7) After writing the text, give it a title later.
(8) Read out loud whether it is easy to read.
(9) Check the rules for the manuscript paper.
OK. I am going to explain each now.
(1) Write your thoughts instead of writing a synopsis.
It is not recommended to write a synopsis (story) for most of your writing. It is important to write the impressions you have read. However, it is effective to quote conversational sentences, for example, that you think are necessary to write your impressions.
Let's decide the "theme" of what to write the text for. Remember to write YOUR thoughts and experiences, not someone else’s.
(2) Do not start writing offhand on the manuscript paper for submission.
Although you understand that writing your own thoughts is important, do not write offhand on the actual manuscript paper for submission. If you draft on another piece of paper and take the time to elaborate, your writing will be able to convey your feelings and thoughts much more clearly. If possible, use a piece of paper with grids that allows you to check the number of characters in the draft.
First of all, stick sticky notes on the book pages where your feelings are moved in the story. Write your little thought or your feelings briefly on sticky notes.
(3) Polite style OR plain style(丁寧体か普通体か)
Write in "Polite style".
Actually, there are two types of writing style in Japanese. They are "polite style(丁寧体)" and "plain style (普通体)". In Japanese, I write and speak sentences using "polite style" and "plain style" properly. In other words, it is necessary to master these two styles and unify the styles to either one. In the first place, "style" is mostly concerned with the form of predicates,
that means "writing style that keeps the level of politeness constant throughout the text."
One style is used consistently in the text throughout the pages of the manuscript paper.
Writing in a "polite style" in your writing will give you a polite impression. On the contrary, if you write in "plain style", you will get the impression that you have made a firm statement. Plain style is used in news articles, papers, essays, and official reports. Mixing the two styles makes it harder to read. So, don’t mix the two styles.
In the case of elementary and junior high school composition, there is almost no need to worry if you write in "polite style".
(4) Do not write in hiragana for words that you have learned its kanji before.
Let's write them in kanji. It also needs to be the same throughout.
We also unify personal pronouns throughout the text.
For reference, if you are in the lower grades of elementary school, you can write「ぼく or わたし、おじいちゃん、おばあちゃん、お父さん(おとうさん)、お母さん(おかあさん)、おにいちゃん、おねえちゃん、おとうと、いもうと」.
From around the middle grades, switch to「僕(ぼく)or 私、(わたし)、祖父(そふ)、祖母(そぼ)、父(ちち)、母(はは)、兄(あに)、姉(あね)、弟(おとうと)、妹(いもうと)」 .
(5) It is important to write the original text as it is when you quote.
Do not change kanji to hiragana. Basically, the parentheses and punctuation marks are also quoted as they are. When quoting conversational or quoted sentences, use brackets to distinguish them from your own words.
(6) Understand the paragraphs and structure of the text.
◎ Paragraph
When you start the text, or when you start a new paragraph, you need to leave one space brank from the top. Write 3 or 4 paragraphs per page of 400-character manuscript paper, it will be easier for the reader to read and you could avoid to write too much on one thing.
◎ Composition
It is easier to write an essay if it is composed of three groups: "はじめ beginning", "なか middle", and "おわり end".
In "はじめ beginning", write why you chose the book, what you thought from the impression of the book, and so on.
In "なか naka, middle", write your impressions of specific situations in the book, your thoughts and experiences, and the grounds for thinking that way. Develop your own opinion with a "theme". The "naka" part occupies most of the composition. Divide the paragraph where the content changes.
In "おわりend", write a summary of the entire composition. Once again, you can emphasize your thoughts by asserting your own opinions that you have written so far.
(7) After writing the text, give it a title later.
By thinking about the title at the end, the title would contain what you want to convey in your writing, that is so effective.
(8) Read out loud whether it is easy to read.
Check for typographical errors.
Are there too many conjunctions?
Didn’t you always finish the sentences with "「・・・だと思いました。」I thought ..."?
Isn't it a contradictory idea?
Is the development easy for the reader to understand?
Is the part you want to convey the most emphasized?
Is the paragraph divided properly where the content changes?
Does the title match the content?
Let's check. By the way, at school, book reports may be read aloud. Arrange the rhythm so that it is easy to read aloud and listen. Use commas for that.
(9) I will explain the rules for the manuscript paper.
◎ Vertical writing manuscript paper
1st line: ☐ ☐ ☐ Title
☐☐ Title
☐☐☐ --- Subtitle ---
If there is a subtitle, write it after lowering it by one square from the title on the previous line. Add a long bar connecting two squares at the beginning and end.
2nd line: Grade + Class ☐ Family name ☐ First name ☐
3rd line: ☐ Text
◎ How to write page numbers
For each sheet of vertical writing 400-character manuscript paper, write in Arabic numerals like 1, 2, 3, … in the upper left.
Where to write the page number and where to use the stapler will change depending on the paper you use. Please check out the former video in this channel, "FAQ on manuscript paper: What you need to know before writing Japanese" for more details.
◎ Punctuation marks and quotation marks
Now, let’s talk about punctuation marks and quotation marks used in book reports.
Basically, there are 6 types.
。 Full stop, maru, kuten (句点). The full stop is a small circle.
、Comma, ten, tōten (読点). It is for marking off separate elements within a sentence.
・ Interpunct, nakaguro (中黒; "middle black"). It is used for interword separation.
「 」 Single quotation marks, kagikakko (鉤括弧, hook brackets). Enclose conversations, words you want to emphasize, or book titles, articles, papers.
『 』Double quotation marks, nijūkagikakko (二重鉤括弧) .Double quotation marks are used to mark quotes within quotes: 「...『...』...」 as well as to mark book titles.
( ) Parentheses, marukakko (丸括弧, round brackets).
When adding an explanation to something, enclose the sentence.
◎ How to write quotation marks
Write these marks「」『』() using one square each. These starting brackets marks「,『,(, can be put to the top, but don’t put on the last square. Don’t write the closing brackets 」,』,)on the top, write below the previous line.
Put together a full stop or a comma with the punctuation mark for the end of the conversation in one square.
Even if you think that you are not good at writing, when you learn how to use words and the rules of manuscript paper, you will be able to write with confidence. First of all, it is important to put your feelings and thoughts into words!
It's also interesting to look at the background of the book you picked up and think about what for the book was written.
Thank you for joining me(^_-)-☆
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