「日本の伝統文化=文字・遊び編」①パングラム(いろは歌)、 ②左馬、③あやとり
[Learning Japanese and English through essay]
①パングラム:いろは歌 [A Pangram: Iroha Poem]
i-ro-wa- ni-o-e-do- chi-ri-nu-ru-o-
wa-ga-yo- ta-re-zo- tsu-ne-na-ra-mm-
u-i-no-o-ku-ya-ma- kyoo-ko-e-te-
a-sa-ki-yu-me-mi-shi- e-i-mo-se- zu-
色は匂へど 散りぬるを=いろはにほへど ちりぬるを
我が世誰ぞ 常ならむ=わがよたれぞ つねならむ
有為の奥山 今日越えて=うゐのおくやま けふこえて
浅き夢見し 酔ひもせず=あさきゆめみし ゑひもせず
大乗仏教の悟りを表した歌が、いろは歌だと言われています。ラテンアルファベットのA、B、C、D ...の配列と同じように、音節表の順序としても使用されます。
A Pangram: Iroha Poem
A "pangram" is a sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet. "Iroha Poem" is well known in Japanese. It’s made in the Heian period. In the Edo period, people had learnt how to read and write syllables with "Iroha Poem." It has 47 syllables. It is read like this in modern Japanese:
That means:i-ro-wa- ni-o-e-do- chi-ri-nu-ru-o-wa-ga-yo- ta-re-zo- tsu-ne-na-ra-mm-u-i-no-o-ku-ya-ma- kyoo-ko-e-te-a-sa-ki-yu-me-mi-shi- e-i-mo-se- zu-
As the scent of flowers shall scatter away,who would be everlasting in our world,climbing over a deep mountain full of vicissitudes todayI shall neither have shallow dreams nor be intoxicated
It is said that Iroha Poem expresses the enlightenment of Mahayana Buddhism. "Iroha Poem" has also been used as an ordering for the syllabary, in the same way as the A, B, C, D... sequence of the Latin alphabet.
Even now, "Iroha Poem" is introduced in Japanese textbooks, but Hiragana and Katakana are taught with "Aiueo syllable table".
How about music?
Not long ago, the Japanese note names were "Ha-ni-ho-he-to-i-ro-ha,” they are now “do-re-mi-fa-so-ra-shi-do”. However, C Major is still called “Ha-chōchō.” Never Do-chōchō.
Why is that?
What is Hidari-uma (left horse)?
The mystery of a shogi piece with a flipped-horizontally "horse"
飲食店などで、「馬」の文字が左右反転して書かれた将棋の駒の置物を見かけることがあります。 左馬(ひだりうま)と言われる、縁起物です。 山形県の天童市の観光ガイドに次のように書かれています。
「馬」の字が逆さに書かれている「左馬」(ひだりうま)は、天童で生まれた天童独自の将棋です。 このあたりでは、家を新築した方や商売を始めた方への贈り物として重宝されています。というのは、「左馬」は福を招く商売繁盛の守り駒とされているからです。
- 左馬は「馬」の字が逆さに書いてあります。「うま」を逆から読むと「まう」と読めます。「まう」という音は、昔からめでたい席で踊られる「舞い」を思い起こさせるため、「左馬」は福を招く縁起のよい駒とされています。
- 「馬」の字の下の部分が財布のきんちゃくの形に似ています。きんちゃくは口がよく締まって入れたお金が逃げていかないため、古来から富のシンボルとされています。
- 馬は人がひいていくものですが、その馬が逆になっているため、普通とは逆に馬が人をひいてくる(=招き入れる)ということから商売繁盛に繋がるとされています。
- 馬は左から乗るもので、右から乗ると落ちてしまいます。そのようなことから、左馬を持つ人は競馬に強いといわれています。
私、習字で書いてみましたがかなり難しいです。 (高校時代も授業で書道がありました。書き順はなんとか覚えても、想像していたよりもバランスが取りにくく、苦労しました。)縁起物(えんぎもの)は私も大好きなので、我が家にも、福を招くという、左馬の置き駒を、飾ろうかな。
What is Hidari-uma (left horse)?
At restaurants, you may see a shogi piece figurine with the word
"馬 (horse)"
flipped horizontally.
It is a lucky charm called Hidari-uma (左馬left horse).
The following is written in the tourist guide of Tendo City, Yamagata Prefecture.
Tendo City, Yamagata Prefecture, is famous as a "town of shogi". Tendo City produces more than 95% of Japan's shogi piece production. It is said that the beginning of making shogi pieces in Tendo was to have them make shogi pieces as a part-time job in order to save vassals who were in trouble due to financial difficulties during the Edo period.
"Hidari-uma (left horse)" with the Kanji character "horse" written flipped horizontally is a shogi piece created in Tendo. Around this area, Hidari-uma (left horse) is a gift for those who have built a new house or started a business. This is because the "Hidari-uma (left horse)" is considered to be a protective piece of prosperous business that invites good fortune.
1. The left horse has the character "馬 horse" written flipped horizontally. If you read "U-ma (horse)" from the opposite direction, you can read "ma-u". The sound of "mau" means also to dance(舞う), that is seen at a celebration party traditionally, so the "left horse" is considered to be an auspicious piece that invites good fortune.
2. The lower part of the letter "馬 horse" resembles the shape of a purse. Since ancient times, Kinchaku(巾着) has been a symbol of wealth because it has a tight mouth and the money you put in does not fall off.
3. Horses are pulled by people, but because the horses are reversed, it is said that horses pull(= invite) people, which leads to prosperous business.
4. Usually, we ride a horse from the left side, and if we ride from the right side, we might fall. For that reason, people with left horses are said to be strong in horse racings.
I wrote Hidari-uma (left horse) in calligraphy, but it's pretty difficult.
I also love lucky charms, so I wonder if I'll decorate my home with a piece of Hidari-uma (left horse) that will bring good fortune.
[Learning Japanese and English through essay]
③あやとり(Ayatori):Cat's cradle / string figures
According to “A Bilingual Handbook on Japanese Culture”,
Ayatori is a traditional game for girls. A string tied in a loop is held by the wrists or fingertips of both hands and made into various shapes like a bridge, koto, or river.
One person alone can play by manipulating the fingers of both hands, and two persons can change the shapes by passing them back and forth to each other in various styles of holding the string.
Games similar to ayatori can be seen in many parts of the world.
I think that even in kindergarten, children play Ayatori. My children enjoyed "Houki(broom)" and "Yondanbashigo (four-step ladder)".
"Ayatori alone" seems to be enjoyed by people who are good at Ayatori.
By the way, Nobita-kun, who appears in Doraemon, is also good at Ayatori.
You can also check this content on YouTube!
The video starts with「Basic figure」. Then,「Cradle → rice field → river → rice field → diamond → drum → ship → suspension bridge」. At last, it finishes with「Basic figure」
・「[改訂新版]日本文化を英語で紹介する事典」A Bilingual Handbook on Japanese Culture,
杉浦洋一(Sugiura Youichi)+ John K.Gillespie, ナツメ社(Natsume-sha), 1993.
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