百人一首かるた [Hyakunin Isshu card games for beginners]
① What is Hyakunin Isshu Karuta?
② How do you play with this karuta?
③ Can I play even if I don't understand Japanese?
④ How many cards are there for each kind?
⑤ Summary
① What is Hyakunin Isshu Karuta?
Hello. I am going to talk about Hyakunin Isshu card games in this video, because I had a comment on Hyakunin Isshu card games the other day. That person has a set of Hyakunin Isshu cards and asked me how to play it.
Even Japanese children have difficulties with learning classical Japanese (古典 Koten). There is an introductory karuta game without language barriers. It’s called Bōzu Mekuri (坊主めくり). So, I'll talk about it.
Before we find out about Bōzu Mekuri, I will explain about Hyakunin Isshu briefly.
Do you know Hyakunin Isshu?
Hyakunin Isshu is a classical Japanese anthology of one hundred Japanese waka (和歌) by one hundred poets. Waka is a traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables (5-7-5-7-7).
The most famous version was compiled by Fujiwara no Teika (藤原定家 1162–1241), or alternatively Fujiwara no Sadaie while he lived in the Ogura district of Kyoto. It is therefore also called Ogura Hyakunin Isshu. We can find his poem in the 97th poem [Acting Middle Counselor Teika/Sadaie (権中納言定家: ごんちゅうなごんていか/さだいえ)].
By the way, karuta is derived from the Portuguese word "carta".
② How do you play with this karuta?
In a set of Hyakunin Isshu, there are the reading cards and the playing cards, 100 cards each. Many forms of playing games with these cards exist in Japan, such as Uta-garuta, the basis for competitive karuta.
The reading cards are used by the reciter and playing cards are used for the players.
On the reading cards, the whole poem is written (5-7-5-7-7) along with the author's name and portrait. The reading cards are also called the picture cards.
On the playing cards, only the second half of the poem is written in Hiragana (7-7).
In uta-garuta and competitive karuta, it is necessary to memorize waka poems, and also compete for the speed at which the player’s hand reaches the matching card.
The principle of kyogi karuta is to match the audio information of the first half of the poem and the playing card, as it is recited.
③ Can I play even if I don't understand Japanese?
Yes, you can. We can enjoy a simple game. That is called “Bōzu Mekuri (坊主めくり)”. It is a game that competes with the number of cards taken.
The rules are like this:
Take out 100 of the picture cards, Shuffle them. and make a stack face-down.
Two or more people sit around the stack and take a turn drawing the top card from the stack.
Depending on what kind of card a person gets, one of three things will happen:
- If the card is a picture of a nobleman (殿 tono), add it to your personal pile.
- If the card is a picture of a Buddhist monk (坊主 bōzu), you lose all your personal cards. Add them to a second stack next to the original stack, but face up. If there are cards already there, just add to the pile.
- If the card is a court lady (姫 himé) then you get all the cards from the second throw-away pile.
When all the face-down cards are taken, the player who gets the most is the winner.
④ How many cards are there for each kind?
I have a set of Hyakunin Isshu cards published by Nintendo.
Nobleman (tono) ・・・・・・・・64 cards
Buddhist monk (bōzu) ・・・・・・15 cards
Court lady (himé)・・・・・・・・21 cards
⑤ Summary
If you have a karuta at hand, you are lucky.
Hyakunin Isshu is also an advanced learning material for classical Japanese. The poem "5, 7, 5, 7, 7" is called tanka in modern times. I think it's fun to spend some time learning 31-character literary works.
Even today, there are many literary works and slogans that are expressed in the number of characters of 5, 7, 5. I think it is not well known that the comfort of 5, 7, 5 is at the root of Japanese rhythm. I mean, the rhythm of 5-7-5 has been engraved deep in the heart since ancient times, and even now, the phonological comfort of 5-7-5 is the source of the beautiful sound of Japanese.
Also, if you take a closer look at the portraits on the picture cards, you can see the classical Japanese culture there.
By the way, Hyakunin Isshu Karuta memorization and card games are also possible using the apps. Whether you don't have karuta or are tired of the "Bōzu Mekuri" game, enjoy the world of Hyakunin Isshu with the apps. Also, if possible, it would be interesting to compose a tanka by yourself.
Let me compose a tanka, or a 31-letter poem.
かるた取り 坊主か姫かと 浮き沈み
仲良き友と 過ごす喜び
Joining the karuta game
Bōzu or himé is such an emotional roller-coaster
It's the joy of spending time with friends together
Rules of Kyogi Karuta 競技かるたのルール
Bozu Mekuri: Karuta for Beginners
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